The Love and Luck Podcast

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Episode 50 - Housing and Healing

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ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





VICTOR: [serious] Hey, Kane. So... my sharehouse is breaking up, which sucks, but it's fine. I'm calling because there's a really nice little apartment not far from the Best of Luck Bar that I'm really keen for, and... well, I was wondering if you guys would be willing to give me a hand with the application? I don't really know what I'm doing, and... I could really use some help. Yeah. Uh, Let me know.



JASON: Hey babe. It's just past three, I've closed up for the night, and I've just sent Ricardo back to bed. He was really upset. Apparently he hasn't been sleeping very well. He keeps having nightmares, and when he's awake he's always on edge, and... well, he was worried that he was wearing out his welcome with us.

I told him that's ridiculous. I reminded him that I told him when he came here that he could stay as long as he needed and I stand by that. I'm just... I'm not sure he believes me. And I don't know how to make him believe me.

[Sighs] When you see him tomorrow, could you reassure him that he's still welcome here? Maybe if we just... tell him enough times, maybe it will sink in. I don't know.



KANE: [serious] Hey. I talked to Ricardo this morning, and yeah, I reassured him that he's welcome here, and that he can stay as long as needed. But... yeah, I don't know if he believed me.

Even if he doesn't, though, I think we should keep reminding him every so often. Just so he has some evidence to fight the brain weasels with, you know?

[Sighs] I love you. I hope... I hope he can start to feel a bit safer here. I don't know.



JASON: Hey, just a quick one from me tonight. It's been a busy night. Lots of folks in and out.

We sold like... five of Michael's paintings tonight, though, which is awesome. Bunch of art enthusiasts dropped in on their way to something else. [chuckles] I don't think they even knew that we're a queer bar, actually. I mean, it clearly didn't bother them, but... I don't know, they kind of stood out, you know?

[yawn] Ugh. Okay, that'll do me, I'm knackered. I'm gonna come cuddle up to you now. Hopefully I won't wake you.



KANE: Hey.

[Sighs] It's... hard down here today. Ricardo and Michael and Helen are all huddled together, talking about what happened to them last month. We don't have too many customers right now, so I'm trying to encourage said customers to sit further away from our boarders, so they have a bit of privacy I guess.

I'm trying not to interfere, either. I think they need each other right now, people who went through the same thing. Not well meaning papa bears hovering around them.

[distressed] I can't... I don't know, Jason. Even though I was here for everything that happened, even though I saw it, I saw them, I looked after them... in some ways I just can't grasp it, you know? I don't... I can't know how it was for them. What it was like to be attacked like that, what it was like to be afraid like that... I had the tiniest glimpse of it when that brick hit you, and that nearly crushed me.

I just wish... I wish it had never happened.

[Sighs] I should go. Victor's probably going to be here soon. I'm going to help him out with his rental application. I love you.



KANE: Hey, so, housing update. While Victor and I were filling out his application for this apartment, Michael was chatting with Victor about it. And, well... whether it's this flat or another one, it looks like Michael's going to leave us to move in with Victor.

It's good. It is. Michael wants to live somewhere quieter, and he wants to open up his room here in case we need to take anyone else in who needs it. So... it's good.

I just... I have mixed feelings. I love having Michael here. I love talking with him and seeing him paint and having him be a part of the bar, you know?

I feel like... empty nested, or something. Eileen headed home and now Michael's looking to move out, and... I don't know. I'm probably being silly. Helen's still here, Ricardo's still here, Tom and Brandon are still here. It's not like everyone is leaving all at once.

And anyway... even Victor, and Sarah and Mira, they all come back and hang out with us, so even when people have moved out, it's not like we never see them again.

And I mean, shit. People end up with us because they don't have anywhere else. So if they do have somewhere else, that's a good thing. That's a fucking good thing. I should stop being selfish about it.

[Firmly] Yeah. I'm probably just being silly and selfish. [Sighs] Ignore me. I'm clearly having a weird anxiety reaction. I love you. I'll see you when you get up.



JASON: Aw, Papa Bear. It's okay to have mixed feelings about people you love moving out of home. You can be happy for them and sad they're going, that's okay. It's not like... You know, one doesn't cancel out the other one, okay?

I love you. Maybe you can bake a cake and we'll have a little moving out party for Michael before he goes. Something to help smooth the transition, you know?

I love you. I love you and your big, big heart so much.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions.

Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Victor is voiced by DL Turnbull. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon and Eris Barnes.

Thank you to Eileen Haggerty for supporting this episode.

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