The Love and Luck Podcast

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Episode 40 - Second Anniversary

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey honey, I hope the construction isn't bothering your sleep too much this morning. Love you.



KANE: Hey, it just occurred to me, we can use our magic to soothe each other, right? Maybe we can also use it to help each other sleep? Can't hurt to try. Anything has got to be better than you needing emergency naps through the day during any moment of quiet.



KANE: Oh man, Helen just suggested that Michael should have an exhibition here and he said he was nervous about the idea but kind of into it, so I backed her up and he agreed to do it! I'm so glad!! It's going to be great!

... Shit, we're gonna have to check our budget, because I can promise you I'm going to want to buy at least one thing he's done.



JASON: Hey babe. We've had a pretty good night tonight, I just finished closing up now and am gonna head to bed. I'm fucken exhausted though. I'm looking forward to you flexing your magic muscles in the morning and seeing if you can help me sleep through the construction noise. I really hope it works.

I love you. See you tomorrow.



KANE: Well, you're still asleep and the construction's been pretty loud, so I'm guessing that it worked? Unless you're just hiding out for a bit longer... let me know what time it is when you wake up so we can compare notes, yeah?

Oh, also... I tried to put some nice dreams in there for you too, while I was at it. Mostly just to see if I can. So make sure you tell me what you dreamed about if you remember, too, so we can see if that worked. It's not like it'd be a useful skill exactly, but it'd still be pretty cool, I think.



KANE: [Softly] Hey honey. You wanted another bedtime voicemail so here it is. I don't really have a lot to say though... today's been a pretty mundane day. Although... it's kind of nice that even my boring days now are still, like, a million times better than they were in my life before you. I'm so glad I met you.

I'm glad you liked the dreams I gave you. Maybe I should try and give you some sexier ones next time. [Yawns] Goodnight, Jason. I love you.



JASON: Oh my god, Kane. Do not give me sexy dreams unless you're willing to come back upstairs and deal with the consequences of that, do you hear me? Don't make me have to get up and then work a full day before I get to make good on them. I doubt Victor would be happy to be told "hey, watch the bar for an hour because I need to go fuck my tease of a boyfriend right now".




JASON: [Enthusiastic] You joked that you expected to wake up to a voicemail from Victor and me, so, as your loyal and devoted boyfriend, it was clearly my responsibility to make that happen!

VICTOR: And as your loyal and devoted friend and employee, it was my responsibility to go along with it!

JASON: You know we're both literal people!! This is what you get for making offhand remarks!! We don't even have anything interesting to say!!

VICTOR: Oh no, just gonna bullshit our way through this. Say, Jason, how is that local sporting team?

JASON: No fucking clue, Victor! The closest I have ever been to a sport is lube wrestling in a kiddie pool!

VICTOR: Oh my god, you should come to rugby practise sometime, dude!

JASON: Fuck off with that shit! I love you but I swear to god I will dack you in front of all your rugby friends.

VICTOR: Oh, as if they don't do that themselves anyway.

JASON: Really? Shit, maybe I should go to rugby practise. Anyway, love you babe, see you tomorrow!




KANE: Hey! Good morning! Guess what! The downstairs bedroom is now finished!!

Bruce finished up the last touches this morning. He's packing up his stuff now, and then once Victor is here he's gonna take me to the warehouse to pick up a bed for the boys before we officially move them into it. It's a little more money to be spent, but I mean, we can't just let them sleep on the floor or whatever.

They've already put their bags in there for now. Brandon actually cried a little bit... apparently they haven't really had somewhere safe and stable to stay for a long while, and while they've been grateful for crashing in our lounge, seeing that we put the effort in to get them an actual room was a bit overwhelming. I don't think they really expected us to let them stay...? Like, I think they expected us to kick them out after a little while or something, rather than stick by what we told them, that they can stay as long as they need.

Anyway... I'll see you later today!



JASON: Hey babe. It's after midnight which means it's officially our anniversary, so... happy second anniversary. I love you.



KANE: Happy anniversary honey. I'm gonna cover your face with kisses when you get up. I love you so much.



KANE: Bedtime voicemail as requested!

You know... today was our anniversary, but we didn't really do anything for it except hug slightly more than usual. Other than that... it was just kind of a normal day. And that's... that's just so wonderful. Do you know how good that is? God, Jason, I... our normal, everyday days now are even better than my amazing days were before us, before the Best of Luck Bar.

Today wasn't special, and that's exactly why it was special. This is just our lives now, and I'm just... I'm so happy, and I love you so much. Happy anniversary, again. I'm so glad I met you, and I'm so glad I got the chance to be with you.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.