The Love and Luck Podcast

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Episode 23 - Opening Night

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Hey, so I think this is the first time in history where I'm actually awake and up before you are. I hope you wake up feeling calm and peaceful. I know you were anxious about opening night tonight, but I promise, it's going to be really amazing.

I'm going to duck out and buy us some delicious breakfast, okay? So stay in bed when you get this, because I'll bring it back to you. Hopefully though, you'll still be asleep, so I can wake you up with food. And also kissing.



KANE: [Sleepily] Mm... sorry, I woke up. But I promise to stay in bed until you get back.

I slept okay. I'm still kinda anxious but just the normal amount. Looking forward to this special breakfast delivery of yours.



JASON: [Excited] Tonight's the night!!! I know I've already said that like a thousand times today but I'm really excited!!

I was going to burst into the bathroom and excitedly exclaim that in person once again, but then thought that maybe suddenly and unexpectedly appearing and shouting at my anxious boyfriend while he's in the shower wouldn't be the best idea in the world.

So you're getting a voicemail instead!! Tonight is the night!! Opening night!! Tonight's the night the rollercoaster tips over the peak and we start the awesome descent into our new business!! I'm so fucking pumped for it, babe, this is going to be awesome!!



KANE: [Tired] Hey... I thought I'd leave you a voicemail before I went to sleep.

Sorry I tapped out so early, I know it probably would have been better for me to stick the party out a while longer, but then again I do still have to be up at like, at least eight tomorrow morning to open up again, so... yeah. Also, to be honest? I think I reached my peak tolerance for loud partying for the night.

Tonight's gone really well so far. I'm so fucking tired though, so I'm gonna go to sleep. See you tomorrow. I hope the rest of the night goes as well as the the first part did. I love you.



JASON: [Tired] Hey babe. I'm outside getting some of that fresh morning air into my lungs, and then I'm gonna head upstairs and crawl into bed with you.

It's good you decided not to try and last the whole night though, because it's only just wound down now... and it's ten to five in the morning. Some of my friends are crashing on the floor downstairs, which I figured you wouldn't mind, but if you do, just wake me up in the morning and I'll go downstairs and shoo them all out.

[Happy sigh] Man, this went even better than I expected. I thought we'd have a good night with mostly just our friends but... we had a great night, and there were so many people we hadn't met before, and all the performances were amazing, and everyone was in such high spirits...

I feel so happy and so... proud right now, you know? We did it! We opened a bar! We got everything organized, we got people interested, and now... now we're a part of the infrastructure of the community. Can you believe it? I never imagined I would be in this position. But I am, and so much of the reason why I am here is you, and I'm so incredibly happy and grateful to have you in my life.

I know that the hard work really starts now, but man... I am so ready for it. I feel like everything in my life has fallen into place. My bar, my boyfriend... everything.

I love you, I love this, and I'm so glad that we did it.



KANE: [Happy] Hey you. Considering the time of your last voicemail, I'm glad you're still asleep right now. Some of your friends were still downstairs when I came down, but they were all awake, so thankfully I didn't have to rudely awaken anyone before getting ready to open for our first morning.

Pat stuck around and helped tidy up and get things ready for the day, too, so I feel like I've started today on easy mode. I told them they didn't have to help out, but they insisted on it. I gave them a coffee as thanks - I also sucked the hangover out of their head, although they don't know about that, obviously. They think they just held up really well, heh.

I'm really glad last night went so well, too. I'm still amazed that we've done this. I mean... I've played everything safe my whole life. The idea of taking a risk like starting a business? Absolutely a terrifying thought. But it hasn't been that bad at all with you there supporting me. I mean, sure, I've had my anxiety over it... but I have anxiety over everything, so, y'know. I've learned to mostly deal with that.

I'm a little scared but mostly really excited to see where things go from here. It's like a whole new chapter. Every page that gets turned with you gets increasingly more and more exciting and wonderful.

I love you.

[Dial Tone]


KANE: Hi, you've reached Best of Luck Bar, a dry bar and cafe run by and for LGBTIQA+ people in St Kilda. Our opening hours are 9am till 3am, every day except Monday. We're not available to take your call right now, so please leave a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you!




ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.